A few disadvantages of Study MBBS in Ukraine

Studying MBBS from Ukraine has become the top choice for Indian students in recent years.  Although Ukraine has many advantages that make it a popular choice for many students, there are certainly some downsides. Most Ukraine MBBS disadvantages occur when the student is unable to adjust to the new location.

Here are the Ukraine MBBS disadvantages:

  • Some students find Ukraine’s cold weather and climate difficult to cope with. Temperatures will remain below 0° for about three to four months. Even when the temperature gets below zero degrees, the students will have no problem when they are inside any building, car or bus. The reason for this is that all the buildings are heated centrally.
  • Going to any foreign country will mean that you will have to adapt to the local language. Students are required to learn the local language (Ukrainian or Russian) as part of their curriculum. Those who are interested in English will be able to develop a good command over the language and this will benefit them in both their daily lives and at the hospital. In contrast, if the student doesn’t show any interest in the local language, then he will lose confidence and struggle with interacting with patients.
  • The maximum course duration for MBBS in Ukraine is 5.8 years. The duration is longer in Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, and Kyrgyzstan than in some other countries.
  • European Curriculum: All European countries teach excellent curricula that emphasize students’ overall development without placing them under enormous pressure. For some students, this is a problem because they do not feel motivated enough. Students who lack a positive attitude are more likely to fail.
  • It is common for Indian agents to provide students with inaccurate information. Thus, you should seek out consultancies that are directly associated with the universities and consult them.

Where do we go from here?

Indian students still prefer MBBS in Ukraine despite some disadvantages. Ukrainian students have been retiring from the university for more than twenty years now, so it’s a good option to study medicine there. Doing MBBS from Ukraine is more advantageous than disadvantageous.

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